Architecture and arts 1900-2004 : a century of creative projects in building, design, cinema, painting, photography, sculpture / ed. Germano Celant.

Architecture and arts 1900-2004 : a century of creative projects in building, design, cinema, painting, photography, sculpture / ed. Germano Celant. - United States of America : SKIRA, 2004. - 784 p. : il. ; 29 cm.

Bibliografía p. 773-778.


Arquitectura, Moderna -- Siglo XX.

NA680 A67

Universidad Gestalt de Diseño
Av. 1o de Mayo No. 113. Col. Obrero campesina. CP. 91020
Tel / Fax +52 (228) 8 15 63 92
Xalapa. Veracruz, México.