Diagram graphics : the best in graphs, charts, maps and technical illustration / [art director, Kazuo Abe ; editorial consultant, Fumihiko Nishioka].

Diagram graphics : the best in graphs, charts, maps and technical illustration / [art director, Kazuo Abe ; editorial consultant, Fumihiko Nishioka]. - Tokoyo : PIE Books ; Düsseldorf : Nippan, 1992 - 220 p. : il. ; 31 cm.

4-938586-34-7 \ 3-910052-17-7

Gráficos, diagramas, etc.

NC715 D53 1992

Universidad Gestalt de Diseño
Av. 1o de Mayo No. 113. Col. Obrero campesina. CP. 91020
Tel / Fax +52 (228) 8 15 63 92 informes@ugd.edu.mx
Xalapa. Veracruz, México.