Adobe Audition CC : Classroom in a Book
- United States of America : Adobe Press 2013
- 316 p. : il. ; 42537 KB
PART 1: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Audio interfacing Audio interface basics Mac OS X audio setup Windows setup Audio channel mapping Testing the audio setup Using external audio interfaces Chapter 2: The Audition environment Waveform vs. Multitrack views The Audition workspace Navigation PART 2: WAVEFORM VIEW Chapter 3: Basic Editing Opening files Selecting regions and changing levels Non-linear editing Chapter 4: Signal processing The effects rack Amplitude and Compression Delay and Echo effects Filter and EQ effects Modulation effects Reverb effects Special effects Multi-effects Stereo imaging Time and Pitch effects Using third-party VST and AU effects Using the effects menu Managing effects presets Chapter 5: Audio Restoration Reducing hiss via Noise Reduction Click/pop eliminator Reducing broadband noise DeHummer Removing artifacts with the spectral display Chapter 6: Mastering Mastering basics Applying EQ Applying dynamics Applying ambience Enhancing the stereo image Altering amplitude File conversion Analysis Chapter 7: Sound design Special effects Pushing the envelope of processing Chapter 8: Creating and recording files Recording into the Waveform Editor Recording into the Multitrack Editor Drag and Drop into an Audition Editor Importing Audio from CDs Saving Templates PART 3: MULTITRACK VIEW Chapter 9: Basic multitrack orientation About Multitrack production Commonalities with waveform view and integration between the two Looped playback Track controls Track areas Channel mapping Side-chaining effects Chapter 10: The Multitrack Mixer View Mixer view basics Using hardware controller Mixer customization via show/hide options Channel scrolling Chapter 11: Editing Clips Crossfading Mixing or exporting a collection of clips Fitting to specific durations Basic clip automation Add effects to individual clips Extend a clip via looping Chapter 12: Creating music with sound libraries About Sound Libraries Building a rhythm track Adding percussion Adding melodic elements Matching tempo among disparate loops Matching pitch among disparate loops Adding processing Chapter 13: Recording in the Multitrack Editor Multitrack recording Getting ready to record a track Setting up the metronome and the metronome track Recording a part in a track Recording an additional part (overdubbing) Punching in over a mistake Composite recording Chapter 14: Automation About automation Advanced clip automation Track automation Chapter 15: Mixing strategies About Mixing The Mixing Process Publishing Chapter 16: Working with Video Importing video into Audition Automatic speech alignment
978-0321929532 0321929535
Adobe Audition --(Programa para computadoras) Editores de audio digital Procesamiento de sonido por computadora Reproducción del sonido