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100 principles of game design

Por: Despain, WendyColaborador(es): Acosta, Keyvan [autor]Tipo de material: Archivo de ordenadorArchivo de ordenadorSeries ; NRGDetalles de publicación: United States of America New Riders 2013. Descripción: 223 p. : ilISBN: 0321902491; 978-0321902498Tema(s): Juegos de computadora -- Diseño | Juegos de computadora -- ProgramaciónClasificación CDD: 794.81 Clasificación LoC:QA76.76.C672 | D47
Tipo de ítem: Libros digitales
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Libros digitales Universidad Gestalt
Kindle E QA76.76.C672 D47 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Disponible

1. Universal principles for game innovation : A/symmetric play and synchronicity ; Aces high, jokers wild ; Bartle's player types ; Cooperative vs. oppositional ; Fairness ; Feedback loops ; Gardner's multiple intelligences ; Howard's law of occult game design ; Information ; Koster's theory of fun ; Lazzaro's four keys to fun ; Magic circle ; Making moves ; MDA: mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics ; Memory vs. skill ; Minimax and maximin ; Nash equilibrium ; Outcomes: Pareto optimality ; Payoffs ; Prisoner's dilemma ; Puzzle development ; Rock, paper, scissors ; Seven universal emotions ; Skinner box ; Social ties ; Tragedy of the commons ; Transparency ; VandenBerghe's five domains of play ; Volunteer's dilemma --
2. Universal principles for game creation : The 80/20 rule ; Brainstorming methods ; Consumer surplus ; Core gameplay loop ; Define the problem ; Design by committee ; Environmental storytelling ; Experience design ; Flow ; Four ways to be creative ; Game genres ; Game pillars ; Game tropes ; Gestalt ; House rules ; Iteration ; Magic wand ; Metagames ; Objects, attributes, states ; Ooh, shiny! ; Paper prototyping ; Pick two: fast, cheap, good ; Play testing ; Problem-solving obstacles ; Prototyping ; Risk assessment ; Supply and demand ; Synergy ; Theme ; Time and money ; User-centered design ; Wayfinding --
3. Universal principles for game balancing : Addition pathways ; Attention vs. perception ; Balancing and tuning ; Details ; Doubling and halving ; Economies of scale ; Errors players make ; Errors without punishment ; Hick's law ; Interest curve ; Learning curve ; Loss aversion ; Maslow's hierarchy of needs ; Min/maxing ; Punishment ; Sandbox vs. on rails ; Ten minutes of sustained attention ; Variable rewards --
4. Universal principles for troubleshooting : Advance organizers ; Affordance cues ; The Buster principle ; Cognitive biases ; Dominant strategy ; Fitts' law ; Fundamental attribution error ; Golden ratio ; Griefing ; Hype ; Instant vs. delayed gratification ; Krug's first law of usability ; Music and dopamine ; Pacing ; Problem-solving approaches ; Satisficing vs. optimizing ; Sense of accomplishment ; Spatial awareness ; Time dilation ; Working memory ; Zero-sum game.

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